No. | 状态 |
1095 | Accepted |
2152 | Accepted |
4317 | Accepted |
4016 | Accepted |
4372 | Accepted |
1758 | Time_Limit_Exceed |
BZOJ-1095: [ZJOI2007]Hide 捉迷藏
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <queue> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int NN = 100005,INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; int bin[20],LOG[NN<<1],n,m,rt,tot,cnt,tott,sum,mn[18][NN<<1]; int pos[NN],fa[NN],sz[NN],f[NN],deep[NN],head[NN]; bool vis[NN],num[NN]; struct E { int ne,v; }e[NN<<1]; void Build(int xx,int yy) { e[++tot].ne = head[xx], head[xx] = tot, e[tot].v = yy; e[++tot].ne = head[yy], head[yy] = tot, e[tot].v = xx; } struct H { priority_queue <int> qa,qb; void ps(int xx) { qa.push(xx); } void er(int xx) { qb.push(xx); } void pp() { while (qb.size() && qa.top() == qb.top()) qa.pop(), qb.pop(); qa.pop(); } int tp() { while (qb.size() && qa.top() == qb.top()) qa.pop(), qb.pop(); if (!qa.size()) return 0; return qa.top(); } int siz() { return qa.size() - qb.size(); } int st() { if (siz() < 2) return 0; int x = tp(); pp(); int y = tp(); ps(x); return y; } }A,B[NN],C[NN]; void Pre() { bin[0] = 1; for (int i=1;i<20;++i) bin[i] = bin[i-1] << 1; LOG[0] = -1; for (int i=1;i<=200000;++i) LOG[i] = LOG[i>>1] + 1; } void DFS(int xx,int fa) { mn[0][++cnt] = deep[xx]; pos[xx] = cnt; for (int i=head[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (e[i].v != fa) { deep[e[i].v] = deep[xx] + 1; DFS(e[i].v,xx); mn[0][++cnt] = deep[xx]; } } void GET_RT(int xx,int fa) { sz[xx] = 1, f[xx] = 0; for (int i=head[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (e[i].v != fa && !vis[e[i].v]) { GET_RT(e[i].v,xx); sz[xx] += sz[e[i].v]; f[xx] = max(f[xx],sz[e[i].v]); } f[xx] = max(f[xx],sum-sz[xx]); if (f[xx] < f[rt]) rt = xx; } void Div(int xx,int ff) { fa[xx] = ff, vis[xx] = 1; for (int i=head[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (!vis[e[i].v]) { sum = sz[e[i].v], rt = 0; GET_RT(e[i].v,xx); Div(rt,xx); } } int RMQ(int xx,int yy) { xx = pos[xx], yy = pos[yy]; if (yy < xx) swap(xx,yy); int tmp = LOG[yy-xx+1]; return min(mn[tmp][xx],mn[tmp][yy-bin[tmp]+1]); } int DIS(int xx,int yy) { return deep[xx] + deep[yy] - 2*RMQ(xx,yy); } void OFF(int xx,int yy) { if (xx == yy) { B[xx].ps(0); if (B[xx].siz() == 2) A.ps(B[xx].tp()); } if (!fa[xx]) return; int ff = fa[xx], D = DIS(ff,yy), tmp = C[xx].tp(); C[xx].ps(D); if (D > tmp) { int mx = B[ff].tp() + B[ff].st(), szz = B[ff].siz(); if (tmp) B[ff].er(tmp); B[ff].ps(D); int now = B[ff].tp()+B[ff].st(); if (now > mx) { if (szz >= 2) A.er(mx); if (B[ff].siz() >= 2) A.ps(now); } } OFF(ff,yy); } void ON(int xx,int yy) { if (xx == yy) { if (B[xx].siz() == 2) A.er(B[xx].tp()); B[xx].er(0); } if (!fa[xx]) return; int ff = fa[xx], D = DIS(ff,yy), tmp = C[xx].tp(); C[xx].er(D); if (D == tmp) { int mx = B[ff].tp() + B[ff].st(), szz = B[ff].siz(); B[ff].er(D); if (C[xx].tp()) B[ff].ps(C[xx].tp()); int now = B[ff].tp() + B[ff].st(); if (now < mx) { if (szz >= 2) A.er(mx); if (B[ff].siz() >= 2) A.ps(now); } } ON(ff,yy); } int x,y; char ch[10]; int main() { Pre(); scanf("%d",&n); for (int i=1;i<n;++i) scanf("%d%d",&x,&y), Build(x,y); DFS(1,0); for (int i=1;i<=LOG[cnt];++i) for (int j=1;j<=cnt;++j) if (j+bin[i]-1 <= cnt) mn[i][j] = min(mn[i-1][j],mn[i-1][j+bin[i-1]]); rt = 0, sum = n, f[0] = INF; GET_RT(1,0); Div(rt,0); for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) C[i].ps(0); for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) num[i] = 1; for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) OFF(i,i), ++tott; scanf("%d",&m); while (m--) { scanf("%s",ch); if (ch[0] == 'G') { if (tott <= 1) printf("%d\n",tott-1); else printf("%d\n",A.tp()); } else { scanf("%d",&x); if (num[x]) ON(x,x), tott --; else OFF(x,x), tott ++; num[x] ^= 1; } } return 0; }
BZOJ-2152: 聪聪可可
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int NN = 20005; int n,ans,sum,f[NN],sz[NN],dis[NN],tot,head[NN],rt,t[5]; bool vis[NN]; struct E { int ne,v,w; }e[NN<<1]; void Build(int xx,int yy,int zz) { e[++tot].ne = head[xx], head[xx] = tot, e[tot].v = yy, e[tot].w = zz; e[++tot].ne = head[yy], head[yy] = tot, e[tot].v = xx, e[tot].w = zz; } int GCD(int a,int b) { return b==0?a:GCD(b,a%b); } void Get_root(int xx,int fa) { f[xx] = 0, sz[xx] = 1; for (int i=head[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (e[i].v !=fa && !vis[e[i].v]) { Get_root(e[i].v,xx); sz[xx] += sz[e[i].v]; f[xx] = max(f[xx],sz[e[i].v]); } f[xx] = max(f[xx],sum-sz[xx]); if (f[xx] < f[rt]) rt = xx; } void Get_deep(int xx,int fa) { t[dis[xx]]++; for (int i=head[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (e[i].v != fa && !vis[e[i].v]) { dis[e[i].v] = (dis[xx]+e[i].w)%3; Get_deep(e[i].v,xx); } } int Cal(int xx,int w) { t[0] = t[1] = t[2] = 0, dis[xx] = w; Get_deep(xx,0); return t[1]*t[2]*2 + t[0]*t[0]; } void Work(int xx) { ans += Cal(xx,0), vis[xx] = 1; for (int i=head[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (!vis[e[i].v]) { ans -= Cal(e[i].v,e[i].w); rt = 0, sum = sz[e[i].v]; Get_root(e[i].v,rt); Work(rt); } } int main() { scanf("%d",&n); int x,y,z; for (int i=1;i<n;++i) scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z), Build(x,y,z%3); f[0] = sum = n, rt = ans = tot = 0; Get_root(1,0); Work(rt); int tmp = GCD(ans,n*n); printf("%d/%d\n",ans/tmp,n*n/tmp); return 0; }
BZOJ-4317: Atm的树
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f,NN = 30005,MM = 1200005; int n,m,K,cnt,rt,tot=1,sum,head1[NN],head2[NN]; int a[MM],f[NN],sz[NN],pl[NN],pr[NN],ql[NN],qr[NN]; struct E { int v,ne,vis,w; }e[MM]; void Build1(int xx,int yy,int zz,int ww) { e[++tot].ne = head1[xx], head1[xx] = tot, e[tot].v = yy, e[tot].vis = zz, e[tot].w = ww; e[++tot].ne = head1[yy], head1[yy] = tot, e[tot].v = xx, e[tot].vis = zz, e[tot].w = ww; } void Build2(int xx,int yy,int zz,int ww) { e[++tot].ne = head2[xx], head2[xx] = tot, e[tot].v = yy, e[tot].vis = zz, e[tot].w = ww; } void GET_RT(int xx,int fa) { sz[xx] = 1, f[xx] = 0; for (int i=head1[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (e[i].vis && e[i].v != fa) { GET_RT(e[i].v,xx); sz[xx] += sz[e[i].v]; f[xx] = max(f[xx],sz[e[i].v]); } f[xx] = max(f[xx],sum-sz[xx]); if (f[xx] < f[rt]) rt = xx; } void DFS(int xx,int fa,int dep) { a[++m] = dep; for (int i=head1[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (e[i].vis && e[i].v != fa) DFS(e[i].v,xx,dep+e[i].w); } void Build(int xx,int fa,int dep) { Build2(xx,rt,cnt,dep); a[++m] = dep; for (int i=head1[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (e[i].vis && e[i].v != fa) Build(e[i].v,xx,dep+e[i].w); } void Work(int xx) { pl[xx] = m+1; DFS(xx,0,0); pr[xx] = m; sort(a+pl[xx],a+pr[xx]+1); for (int i=head1[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (e[i].vis) { ql[++cnt] = m + 1; Build(e[i].v,xx,e[i].w); qr[cnt] = m; sort(a+ql[cnt],a+qr[cnt]+1); } for (int i=head1[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (e[i].vis) { e[i].vis = e[i^1].vis = 0; sum = sz[e[i].v], rt = 0; GET_RT(e[i].v,xx); Work(rt); } } int Find(int xx,int yy,int zz) { int l = xx, r = yy+1, mid; if (zz < a[xx]) return 0; while (l+1 < r) { mid = (l+r) >> 1; if (a[mid] <= zz) l = mid; else r = mid; } return l-xx+1; } int Check(int xx,int yy) { int tmp = Find(pl[xx],pr[xx],yy); for (int i=head2[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) tmp += Find(pl[e[i].v],pr[e[i].v],yy-e[i].w) - Find(ql[e[i].vis],qr[e[i].vis],yy-e[i].w); return tmp; } int main() { scanf("%d%d",&n,&K); ++ K; int x,y,z; for (int i=1;i<n;++i) { scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z); Build1(x,y,1,z); } rt = 0, f[0] = INF, sum = n; GET_RT(1,0); Work(rt); for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) { int l = 0, r = 10*(n-1); while (l < r) { int mid = (l+r) >> 1; if (Check(i,mid) < K) l = mid+1; else r = mid; } printf("%d\n",l); } return 0; }
BZOJ-4016: [FJOI2014]最短路径树问题
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <algorithm> #include <queue> using namespace std; #define pa pair<int,int> #define mp make_pair #define fir first #define sec second #define pb push_back const int NN = 30005, INF = 2000000000; int ans1,ans2,n,K,m,tot,rt,sum; int dis[NN],head[NN],head2[NN],fa[NN],f[NN],sz[NN],deep[NN]; bool vis[NN]; priority_queue<pa,vector<pa>,greater<pa> > que; struct E { int v,ne,w; }e2[NN<<2],e[NN<<1]; int d[NN][2],g[NN][2]; vector <pa> v[NN]; queue <int> QUE; void Build(int xx,int yy,int zz) { e[++tot].ne = head[xx], head[xx] = tot, e[tot].v = yy, e[tot].w = zz; e[++tot].ne = head[yy], head[yy] = tot, e[tot].v = xx, e[tot].w = zz; } void Build2(int xx,int yy,int zz) { e2[++tot].ne = head2[xx], head2[xx] = tot, e2[tot].v = yy, e2[tot].w = zz; } void Dij() { for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) dis[i] = INF; dis[1] = 1; que.push(mp(0,1)); while (!que.empty()) { int now = que.top().sec; que.pop(); if (vis[now]) continue; vis[now] = 1; for (int i=head2[now];i;i=e2[i].ne) if (dis[now] + e2[i].w < dis[e2[i].v]) { dis[e2[i].v] = dis[now] + e2[i].w; que.push(mp(dis[e2[i].v],e2[i].v)); } } } void DFS(int xx) { vis[xx] = 1; for (int i=head2[xx];i;i=e2[i].ne) if (!vis[e2[i].v] && dis[xx] + e2[i].w == dis[e2[i].v]) { Build(xx,e2[i].v,e2[i].w); DFS(e2[i].v); } } void Get_rt(int xx) { sz[xx] = 1, f[xx] = 0; for (int i=head[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (!vis[e[i].v] && e[i].v != fa[xx]) { fa[e[i].v] = xx; Get_rt(e[i].v); f[xx] = max(f[xx],sz[e[i].v]); sz[xx] += sz[e[i].v]; } f[xx] = max(f[xx],sum-sz[xx]); if (f[xx] < f[rt]) rt = xx; } void Work(int xx,int S) { vis[xx] = 1, d[0][1] = 1; for (int i=head[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (!vis[e[i].v]) { while (!QUE.empty()) QUE.pop(); QUE.push(e[i].v); deep[e[i].v] = 1, fa[e[i].v] = xx, dis[e[i].v] = e[i].w; while (!QUE.empty()) { int now = QUE.front(),k = deep[now]; QUE.pop(); if (k > K) break; if (dis[now] > g[k][0]) g[k][0] = dis[now], g[k][1] = 0; if (dis[now] == g[k][0]) g[k][1] ++; for (int j=head[now];j;j=e[j].ne) if (!vis[e[j].v] && e[j].v != fa[now]) { fa[e[j].v] = now, deep[e[j].v] = deep[now]+1; dis[e[j].v] = dis[now] + e[j].w; QUE.push(e[j].v); } } for (int j=1;j<=K;++j) { if (g[j][0] + d[K-j][0] > ans1) ans1 = g[j][0] + d[K-j][0], ans2 = 0; if (g[j][0] + d[K-j][0] == ans1) ans2 += g[j][1] * d[K-j][1]; } for (int j=1;j<=K;++j) { if (g[j][0] > d[j][0]) d[j][0] = g[j][0], d[j][1] = 0; if (g[j][0] == d[j][0]) d[j][1] += g[j][1]; g[j][0] = g[j][1] = 0; } } for (int i=0;i<=K;++i) d[i][0] = d[i][1] = 0; for (int i=head[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (!vis[e[i].v]) { sum = sz[e[i].v]; if (sz[e[i].v] > sz[xx]) sz[e[i].v] = S-sz[e[i].v]; rt = 0; if (sum >= K) Get_rt(e[i].v); Work(rt,sz[e[i].v]); } } int main() { int x,y,z; scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&K);K--; for (int i=1;i<=m;++i) { scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z); v[x].pb(mp(y,z)); v[y].pb(mp(x,z)); } for (int _=1;_<=n;++_) { sort(v[_].begin(),v[_].end()); for (int i=v[_].size()-1;i>=0;--i) Build2(_,v[_][i].fir,v[_][i].sec); } Dij(); tot = 0; memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis)); DFS(1); memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis)); rt = 0, f[0] = INF, sum = n; Get_rt(1); Work(rt,sum); printf("%d %d\n",ans1,ans2); return 0; }
BZOJ-4372: 烁烁的游戏
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> using namespace std; const int NN = 200005,INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; struct E { int ne,v; }e[NN<<1]; int n,m,head[NN],rt,sz[NN],mx[NN],deep[NN],fa[NN][20],tot=0,sum,f[NN]; bool vis[NN]; void Build(int xx,int yy) { e[++tot].ne = head[xx], head[xx] = tot, e[tot].v = yy; e[++tot].ne = head[yy], head[yy] = tot, e[tot].v = xx; } void Get_rt(int xx,int fa) { sz[xx] = 1, mx[xx] = 0; for (int i=head[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (e[i].v != fa && !vis[e[i].v]) { Get_rt(e[i].v,xx); sz[xx] += sz[e[i].v]; mx[xx] = max(mx[xx],sz[e[i].v]); } mx[xx] = max(sum-sz[xx],mx[xx]); if (mx[xx] < mx[rt]) rt = xx; } void DFS2(int xx,int fa) { sz[xx] = 1; for (int i=head[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (e[i].v != fa && !vis[e[i].v]) { DFS2(e[i].v,xx); sz[xx] += sz[e[i].v]; } } void re_Build(int xx,int fa) { rt = 0; Get_rt(xx,0); int nrt = rt; vis[nrt] = 1, f[nrt] = fa; DFS2(nrt,0); for (int i=head[nrt];i;i=e[i].ne) if (!vis[e[i].v]) sum = sz[e[i].v], re_Build(e[i].v,nrt); } int LCA(int xx,int yy) { if (deep[xx]<deep[yy]) swap(xx,yy); int tmp = deep[xx]-deep[yy]; for (int i=0;i<=17;++i) if (tmp>>i&1) xx = fa[xx][i]; for (int i=17;i>=0;--i) if (fa[xx][i]!=fa[yy][i]) xx=fa[xx][i], yy = fa[yy][i]; return xx == yy?xx:fa[xx][0]; } int DIS(int xx,int yy) { return deep[xx] + deep[yy] - 2*deep[LCA(xx,yy)]; } void DFS1(int xx) { for (int i=1;i<=17;++i) fa[xx][i] = fa[fa[xx][i-1]][i-1]; for (int i=head[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (e[i].v != fa[xx][0]) { deep[e[i].v] = deep[xx] + 1; fa[e[i].v][0] = xx; DFS1(e[i].v); } } int tr_sz,rt1[NN],rt2[NN]; struct TR { int c[2],w; }tr[100*NN]; void Update(int &k,int L,int R,int l,int r,int v) { if (!k) k = ++tr_sz, tr[k].w = 0; if (l<=L && r>=R) { tr[k].w += v; return; } int mid = (L+R) >> 1; if (l <= mid) Update(tr[k].c[0],L,mid,l,r,v); if (r > mid) Update(tr[k].c[1],mid+1,R,l,r,v); } int Query(int &k,int l,int r,int v) { int ans = tr[k].w; if (!k || l == r) return tr[k].w; int mid = (l+r) >> 1; return v<=mid ? (ans + Query(tr[k].c[0],l,mid,v)) : (ans + Query(tr[k].c[1],mid+1,r,v)); } int QQ(int xx) { int ans = 0, dis; ans += Query(rt1[xx],0,n,0); for (int i=xx;f[i];i=f[i]) { dis = DIS(f[i],xx); ans += Query(rt1[f[i]],0,n,dis) - Query(rt2[i],0,n,dis); } return ans; } void MM(int xx,int yy,int zz) { int dis; Update(rt1[xx],0,n,0,yy,zz); for (int i=xx;f[i];i=f[i]) { dis = DIS(xx,f[i]); if (dis > yy) continue; Update(rt1[f[i]],0,n,0,yy-dis,zz), Update(rt2[i],0,n,0,yy-dis,zz); } } int main() { scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); char op; int x,y,z; for (int i=1;i<n;++i) scanf("%d%d",&x,&y), Build(x,y); DFS1(1); memset(f,0,sizeof(f)); rt = 0, mx[rt] = INF, sum = n; re_Build(1,0); while (m--) { for (op = getchar();op!='M'&&op!='Q';op = getchar()); if (op == 'Q') scanf("%d",&x), printf("%d\n",QQ(x)); else scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z), MM(x,y,z); } return 0; }
BZOJ-1758: [Wc2010]重建计划
## Warning:此代码Time_Limit_Exceed ##
感觉像是死于 “新加数据一组”(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> using namespace std; const int NN = 100010; const double INF = 1e15,eps = 1e-4; int f[NN],sz[NN],deep[NN],head[NN],h,t,DEP,dep,sum,rt,n,L,R,tot=0,q[NN]; bool vis[NN]; double a[NN],b[NN],d[NN],ans=0.0,mid; struct E { int ne,v,w; }e[NN<<1]; char ch; void read(int &x){ while (ch = getchar(),ch < '0' || ch > '9'); x = ch - '0'; while (ch = getchar(),ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') x = x * 10 + ch - '0'; } void Build(int xx,int yy,int zz) { e[++tot].ne = head[xx], head[xx] = tot, e[tot].v = yy, e[tot].w = zz; e[++tot].ne = head[yy], head[yy] = tot, e[tot].v = xx, e[tot].w = zz; } void Get_root(int xx,int fa) { sz[xx] = 1,f[xx] = 0; for (int i=head[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (!vis[e[i].v] && e[i].v != fa) { Get_root(e[i].v,xx); sz[xx] += sz[e[i].v]; f[xx] = max(f[xx],sz[e[i].v]); } f[xx] = max(f[xx],sum-sz[xx]); if (f[xx] < f[rt]) rt = xx; } void Get_dep(int xx,int fa) { sz[xx] = 1; deep[xx] = deep[fa] + 1; for (int i=head[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (!vis[e[i].v] && e[i].v != fa) { //deep[e[i].v] = deep[xx] + 1; Get_dep(e[i].v,xx); sz[xx] += sz[e[i].v]; } DEP = max(DEP,deep[xx]); } void DFS1(int xx,int fa) { if (deep[xx] > R) return; a[deep[xx]] = max(a[deep[xx]],d[xx]); for (int i=head[xx];i;i=e[i].ne) if (!vis[e[i].v] && e[i].v != fa) { d[e[i].v] = d[xx] + e[i].w - mid; DFS1(e[i].v,xx); } dep = max(dep,deep[xx]); } void Work(int xx) { Get_root(xx,0); if (sz[xx] <= L) return ; DEP = 0; Get_dep(rt,0); double l = ans, r = 1e10, tmp, maxx; int mp; while (l < r-eps) { mid = (l+r) / 2; b[0] = 0; for (int i=1;i<=DEP;++i) b[i] = - INF; tmp = maxx = -INF; mp = 0; for (int i=head[rt];i;i=e[i].ne) if (!vis[e[i].v]) { h = t = 0, a[0] = 0; for (int j=1;j<=DEP;++j) a[j] = -INF; dep = 0; d[e[i].v] = e[i].w - mid; DFS1(e[i].v,rt); if (mp) q[++t] = mp; for (int j=1;j<=dep;++j) { if (j>R) break; if (h<t && q[h+1] > R-j) ++h; if (L>=j && L-j<=DEP) { while (h<t && b[q[t]] < b[L-j]) t--; q[++t] = L-j; tmp = max(tmp,b[q[h+1]]+a[j]); } else if (j > L) tmp = max(tmp,b[q[h+1]]+a[j]); } for (int j=1;j<=dep;++j) { b[j] = max(b[j],a[j]); if (j >= L && j <= R && maxx < b[j]) maxx = b[j], mp = j; } } if (tmp > 0) l = mid; else r = mid; } ans = l; vis[rt] = 1; for (int i=head[rt];i;i=e[i].ne) if (!vis[e[i].v]) f[rt] = sum = sz[e[i].v], Work(e[i].v); } int main() { read(n), read(L), read(R); // scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&L,&R); int x,y,z; for (int i=1;i<n;++i) read(x), read(y), read(z), Build(x,y,z); //scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z), Build(x,y,z); sum = f[0] = n, rt = 0, deep[0] = -1; Work(1); printf("%.3lf\n",ans); return 0; }
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