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2024年9月03日 13:38

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Normandpak 说:
2024年9月03日 07:09

How many Palestinians have been killed by Israel?
More than 15,900 Palestinians killed in Gaza since Oct. 7 -Palestinian health minister. RAMALLAH, West Bank, Dec 5 (Reuters) - More than 15,900 Palestinians, including 250 health workers, have been killed in Gaza since the outbreak of war on Oct. 7,

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if you do not do something such as going on the street and telling your government which is controlled by the Jews to stop killing the Gaza people and stop the Israeli War and send food to the starving people of Gaza. If you can not do it then forward this message with the above two links to at least 4 of your friends and ask them to forward it to 4 of their friends so that the world will know that the new mass murderers are the Jews of the world . It is ironic that the Holocaust servicers (the Jews) are creating a new Holocaust against the Philistines in Gaza.

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2024年9月02日 20:59

The Israel lobby, also known as the Zionist lobby, are individuals and groups seeking to influence the United States government to better serve Israel's interests. The largest pro-Israel lobbying group is Christians United for Israel with over seven million members.<>] The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is a leading organization within the lobby, speaking on behalf of a coalition of pro-Israel American Jewish groups.

see why Israel can kill innocent children with American taxpayer money

1- see Why Israel is in deep trouble

2- Because the God of Money of our World is a Jew who supports and lives in Israel. For more details, click on the following link.

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See how innocent children are killed by the most powerful Israeli using American bombs at

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if you do not do something such as going on the street and telling your government which is controlled by the Jews to stop killing the Gaza people and stop the Israeli War and send food to the starving people of Gaza. If you can not do it then forward this message with the above two links to at least 4 of your friends and ask them to forward it to 4 of their friends so that the world will know that the new mass murderers are the Jews of the world . It is ironic that the Holocaust servicers (the Jews) are creating a new Holocaust against the Philistines in Gaza.

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JamieFefly 说:
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Normandpak 说:
2024年9月02日 02:29

What human rights are being violated in Palestine?
Deprivation of the right to self-determination, extrajudicial killings, restrictions on freedom of movement and assembly and illegal settlements were some of glaring manifestations of human rights violations of the Palestinian people

see why Israel can kill innocent children with American taxpayer money

1- see Why Israel is in deep trouble

2- Because the God of Money of our World is a Jew who supports and lives in Israel. For more details, click on the following link.

3- Because what USA president say about Israel

See how innocent children are killed by the most powerful Israeli using American bombs at

Al Jazeera Arabic Live


if you do not do something such as going on the street and telling your government which is controlled by the Jews to stop killing the Gaza people and stop the Israeli War and send food to the starving people of Gaza. If you can not do it then forward this message with the above two links to at least 4 of your friends and ask them to forward it to 4 of their friends so that the world will know that the new mass murderers are the Jews of the world . It is ironic that the Holocaust servicers (the Jews) are creating a new Holocaust against the Philistines in Gaza.

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